phenomenal id

5x7 oil on canvas

vernal equinox
aka. sidereal
5x7 oil on canvas
So I'm back making forest paintings, I love making them, the deep saps and purples, the pushing stillness of settling. In light of the hedonist destruction of our blahblahblah alarmingly few remaining true forests blahdeblah I am compelled to delve into an examination of their annular and gorgeous growth. hey, we all know they'll soon be gone, or shrunk beyond recognition, all balled into clipped parks, lacking the depth that makes us both lost and a part of. I want to record and amplify that awe now. All the photos are part of a series of photos taken in the Albee Creek area of the Humbolt Redwoods, and are the templates for my paintings, which become phantasmorical environments.
I'm also taking anther look at Gaston Bachelard's phenomonal Poetics of Space again, in particular ch. 8, titled; intimate immensity. Bachelard notes; "however paradoxical this may seem, it is often this inner immensity that gives their real meaning to certain expressions concerning the visible world. To take a precise example, we might make a detailed examination of what is meant by the immensity of the forest".