Karley Sullivan, The Techno-Optimist, 2014
Memory: Talking to Debbie, in her home, looking out the window at sea lions cresting by the buoys in Frederick Sound in Alaska.  I'm sounding off in that way that I only do comfortably with older women who have gained my trust by caring for me without resentments or expectations.  I like to be cared for, but often suspiciously believe that most people do anticipate some personal gain from caring (Is that a question of reciprocity?) They want something from me, as I want from them to be heard.  It makes me stumble sometimes... "Why are we still talking about manufacturing, why is the dominant culture expending so much energy dimissing the Humanities?  In this dawning technological era we could be focusing on what makes us human, we should be thinking, caring, striving to do what humans do better than other species and mechanics - we could be building a society where the machines do the required labor, and we work towards responsible and enjoyable stewardship - of our bodies, our environment, and our relationships."

Today I'm gathering moons and thinking about Penelope Umbrico

Penelope Umbrico, 36 Copyrighted Suns / Screengrabs, 2009-2012